Loving the Surf City Life

03 Nov 2024

Saying goodbye to this home is hard, but it’s impossible to say goodbye to Surf City

By Brittany Conley  »  Photos by G. Frank Hart

Looking through photographs of 1201 North Shore Drive, it is easy to imagine lounging on the porch, sipping some locally roasted coffee and chatting with a friend on a carefree Saturday morning. I can imagine listening to the Atlantic lapping against the shore just a stone’s throw away, the seawater gently perfuming the air, and laughter and levity rendering time meaningless.

What is difficult to imagine is leaving such an idyllic slice of paradise. Yet sometimes we must do the difficult thing because it is what is right for us. Ruth Hoffer recently had to make that impossible decision. Summers on the beach are a tradition for her, going all the way back to when she was a little girl growing up in the Hershey, Pennsylvania area and her family always spent their summers on the beach in Delaware. “We spent every summer on the beach, with caramel popcorn and mini golf,” says Hoffer, and she was keen to keep that tradition alive for her own grandchildren, so she purchased the beach home in 2019. “Also, my daughter married an Army guy, so I try to stay close by when he’s deployed.”

Over the last five years, Ruth and her family have loved their part-time life in Surf City. “The Pellon family designed and built the house in 2018, and it really is incredible. Perfect for large family gatherings. The kitchen is a great size so my daughter can make bacon while I make French toast,” says Hoffer, who also loves the open concept of the home. “It lets us spend more time together. The kids can watch movies or play games while we cook, and we’re all still together. No one retreats into their own spaces. It’s set up so that it encourages togetherness”

The ocean itself, of course, is a huge draw to the property. Those aforementioned cups of coffee or hot tea on the deck aside, the home has ocean views galore. “I love to watch storms roll in. You can see the ocean change color, it has its own personality,” says Hoffer. But her favorite was watching and listening to her grandchildren laugh and play in the evenings’ low tide. There is no doubt, this home was always primarily for the time spent with her grandchildren. 

Above the firepit Ruth had installed, a sign proudly declares the home “Nana’s Landing,” and at Nana’s Landing, the kids are the heartbeat of the home. Bizz Baker, the Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Treasure realtor guiding the sale of the home, says the love is on full display. “Ruth keeps her grandchildren’s toys lined up for when they come over,” says Baker, who acknowledges that the decision to sell this home wasn’t the easiest for his client.

With her primary home in Pinehurst, North Carolina and another home in the Costa Rican mountains, plus a career that takes her around the globe, three homes were becoming a bit more than Ruth wanted to manage. “Plus, the grandkids are getting older now. They’re into clubs and sports, and their lives are getting busier. Their parents bought thirty acres, and they are staying closer to their own home more often now,” says Hoffer. “With my home in Pinehurst and the one in Costa Rica, I realized over the last year that we just aren’t using it as much anymore. So, I’ve decided to sell.”

Beyond the beautiful stories Ruth can tell about traipsing around the sandy shores with her grandchildren, the family gathered around puzzles or board games, and seaside cookouts on the megadeck–an amazing gathering spot just across the street and right on the beach which is included with the home–the very bones of the home are designed with large families in mind.

The home boasts five bedrooms, three of which are master bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms that have double vanities and large walk-in closets. Of course, they also offer gorgeous views of the Atlantic, and on cool nights, especially in the fall, it’s heavenly to crack the windows and let the sea breeze and gentle tide lull you into a deep sleep, and in the mornings, it provides the perfect backdrop for a divine breakfast in bed.

When she purchased the home, Ruth saw an opportunity to make it even more family-friendly with the addition of the fire pit, but also a heated swimming pool and jacuzzi which extends the home’s outdoor use well into winter when the ocean might be too chilly, the pool and jacuzzi will always be just right for splashing around and making those unforgettable memories. And, with the potential use for water toys year-round, the next owners of the home will surely appreciate the large three-car garage which provides ample storage and easy accessibility.

It’s no secret that storms are common in the area. From the stray summer storm rolling in, darkening the sea and sky, to the more serious tropical storms and hurricanes, but this home is built to stand up to mother nature. “It’s strong, and there’s hurricane shutters and also a whole-house generator,” says Hoffer. In a storm, little else provides the same comfort as a generator which can keep the lights and air conditioning going. Speaking of, both air conditioning units were just replaced, so the next family can rest assured their home will be cool and comfortable.

While she is firm on her decision to sell, it wasn’t an altogether easy choice for Ruth to make. As once so eloquently written, parting is such sweet sorrow. The home, of course, holds many precious memories. But the hardest part for Ruth has been the idea of leaving Surf City. As we chatted, she became a little wistful when talking about this place she loves even more than the home she’s leaving.

“That was the hardest part of this decision. I love this town,” says Hoffer. “It’s good old-fashioned family fun. You can sit on the beach, and you never know who is going to set off fireworks.” While it may not be as well-known as the nearby Wilmington, for Ruth, there was something extraordinarily charming about Surf City. “There is no pretense. Everyone is real. Neighbors help neighbors. When I’m out of town, neighbors will call me to let me know what is going on. That just doesn’t happen anymore, but it does here,” says Hoffer. The friendly, polite atmosphere Hoffer describes might sound too good to be true, but all it takes is one visit to Surf City to understand she’s painting it in exactly the right light. She loves it so much, she’s decided she can leave the home, but she isn’t ready to leave the town. “I will come back and rent,” says Hoffer, with a pleasant determination.

While she wouldn’t at all be opposed to someone purchasing her home with the intent to turn it into a short-term rental property so she could come back to where her love for Surf City began, she is certain that regardless of that, Surf City will continue to be a big part of her life and the memories she makes with her family. “The kids can still have the memories of summertime at the beach. They will still get to roll around in the low tide,” says Hoffer.

If you are interested in finding your own peace, making your own memories, and loving the Surf City life the same way Ruth Hoffer and her family have, or you have a home you would like to sell, do not hesitate to get in touch with Bizz Baker at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Treasure. Bizz has been selling homes for nearly 20 years, with much success and aplomb. His laid back approach to real estate is refreshing, as he doesn’t rely on high pressure tactics to get the job done. You can find Bizz and more information about 1201 North Shore Drive at Bizzbaker.sites.bhgrealestate.com. 

And, as she will inevitably return to Surf City, don’t forget to wave hello to Ruth Hoffer. She’ll be the Nana proudly romping along the beach and laughing with her three beloved grandchildren.

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