New Beginnings

04 Jan 2023

Four fascinating reads that just may teach you something you never imagined. It’s a new year. How will you be better, stronger, wiser and happier when it ends?

Born to Run 2: The Ultimate Training Guide by Christopher McDougall and Eric Orton

Ten years ago, McDougall’s bestseller about the methods indigenous Rarámuri runners use to win long distance races wearing simple sandals made from tires sparked controversy in the running world and popularized minimalist and barefoot running in America.  This follow-up presents a comprehensive training plan to run faster and longer at any age without injury or pain using simple exercises and intuitive drills.  Experienced runners and beginners alike will find this a persuasive and accessible approach to running for exercise, enjoyment, and competition. — Sara McBride

The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life by Simran Jeet Singh

In The Light We Give, Dr. Simran Jeet Singh shares the journey of living out his faith and offers practical wisdom from the Sikh tradition that can help readers live happier and more loving lives. Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, Singh faced regular racial hatred as a South Asian American, especially as a turban-wearing teen coming of age in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.  Rather than give in to self-pity and anger, Singh chose to use Sikh teachings to build more compassion and connection in his community through acts of loving service. His approachable and good-humored delivery of his experiences offers his audience simple, concrete ways to incorporate these principles into their own lives and work towards positive change. This hopeful spiritual memoir illuminates a path away from fear and doubt to a life driven by loving action in the world.
— Sarah Cameron

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr. Julie Smith  

Dr. Julie Smith is known for her popular series of short videos on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube dealing with a variety of mental health conditions. Like her videos, this book offers a toolkit for life issues ranging from everyday emotions to grief. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? includes interactive exercises that will help you manage your emotions by listening to your body, both physically and mentally. Dr. Smith also debunks commonly held beliefs about high self-esteem and positive affirmation. The book is divided into short, digestible chapters with journal prompts and activities including breathing techniques and visualizations to get to know yourself, deal with your feelings, and accept them. — Megan Mathis

Chase Greatness: Enlightened Leadership for the Next Generation of Disruption by Rajeev Kapur

“When everything changes, leadership must too.” CEO Rajeev Kapur discusses the changing environment of business and how expectations of workers were modified due to COVID-19 and societal upheavals. Chasing greatness in this new environment is still possible, but leaders and managers must think of new ways to approach workers on their way to success. Emphasis is placed on the diversity of staff as a powerful profit driver. With a growing workforce of Millennials and Gen-Z employees, a proactive culture will keep them engaged with a company. “Enlightened leader thought exercises” at the end of each chapter and “enlightened leadership in action” examples of people that exemplify many of the traits that Kapur sees as useful for leaders will guide you through the evolving work landscape as we move into 2023. — Mahogany Skillings

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