Romance Is in the Air

30 Dec 2018

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, these books will spark a little romance

Why Not Tonight (Happily Inc.), by Susan Mallery

“Why Not Tonight” is the third in Susan Mallery’s interconnected Happily Inc. series.  Natalie Kaleta, a part-time assistant at an art gallery and struggling artist, braves a downpour to check on the successful, but withdrawn, artist Ronan Mitchell at his mountain home when a mudslide forces her to spend more time with him than she expected. Natalie is a cheerful, glass half-full kind of girl, and Ronan is a gruff, glass half-empty kind of guy. In fact, she thinks of him as a dragon to be bearded in his den, but she comes to find that Ronan is a lot less gruff and a lot more playful than she first thought. In a town known for destination weddings and where true love isn’t just for fairytales, will Ronan and Natalie give into their attraction? Will Ronan be able to fix his damaged heart and give Natalie his love? Susan Mallery is well known for heartwarming romances that are both sweet and hot.
-Chantal Wilson

Heloise & Abelard: A New Biography, by James Burge

This new dual biography of 12th century lovers, “Abelard and Heloise,” is a thrilling retelling of a very modern, true story. Hired to tutor brilliant Heloise in her home by her guardian uncle, revered poet and philosopher Abelard falls in love and lust with her, and they begin a love affair that ends in tragedy. This story includes all the elements of a modern Hollywood movie: a secret marriage, a desperate escape, brutal revenge and ultimate heartbreak. This story encompasses all the ageless questions about love, loss, selflessness and sacrifice. Included in the book are their letters to each other, which made the couple one of the most famous love stories in western civilization.
-Crystal Sharpe

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

This story about falling back in love with what you have, gets me every time. Georgie McCool is a TV writer who has forgotten why she ever got into marriage and motherhood in the first place. She and her faithful writing partner are on the verge of landing their own show, something they’ve worked toward since college. But it’s right when Georgie’s family needs her the most. Facing the no-win decision of chasing her professional dream or making amends by giving that all up for a Christmas vacation, Georgie cracks under the pressure, driving everyone further away. Then one night, she discovers the landline next to her bed lets her call back in time, to when she and her husband were first dating. Georgie brings us to a conclusion that ends up being both inevitable and surprising at the same time. Bring Kleenex and a healthy appreciation of pop culture! 
-Melanie Griffin

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, by Megan Mullally & Nick Offerman

Actors Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman tell the story of their lives, careers and relationship in this oral history. They became a couple when Mullally was already a star, after two seasons on the television show “Will & Grace,” and despite their almost 12-year age difference. The conversations cover topics as wide-ranging as childhood, religion and fame - all with a big dose of humor. Their insights into their craft, including their shared passion for music, are a fascinating look into their lives as artists. There are also a series of essays that discuss domesticity, tips on finding a mate, and David Lynch, among other subjects. This story is a funny and refreshing take on love and life.
-Allison Thiessen

Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, by Helen Simonson

Helen Simonson’s book, Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand is a charming tale of a retired British Major who measures his everyday actions and thoughts by extreme English decorum and etiquette - and Mrs. Jasmina Ali whose life is dictated by family and cultural traditions. Their two worlds collide after Mrs. Ali helps Major Pettigrew recover from a stumble following his brother’s funeral. Through her kind actions that day, the Major begins to see Mrs. Ali in a new way. His stodgy façade cracks, and love creeps in before even the Major realizes it has happened. But not everyone is thrilled with their new friendship, and they must overcome much to be together.
-Becky Patrick

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